traffic information

Traffic Information and Reports

With our roads more and more congested, if you have a long journey it’s worth checking in advance for up to date traffic information.

Sat Nav Systems

More advanced systems provide interactive traffic advice and will update the route as you drive. A fee is normally payable to keep the feature updated after the initial free period.

Google Maps and others

Traffic information can be shown, it is a menu option. Most of us are familiar with the tool which is easy to use. Alternative routes are easy to compare.

Traffic England, Scotland and Wales

For the most extensive information, you can access the Highways department database. In addition to an overall summary of traffic across the strategic (mainly motorway) road network, you can look at individual roads. It’s even possible to view the individual matrix signs and the images seen by the traffic cameras along your route. Estimates are given on when issues are likely to be cleared and the expected delay duration.

Highways UK

As well as current traffic information, details of what’s planned can be found. And, if you want to know why you were held up last month, details of past major incidents are there as well.

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