london underground

The London Underground – Love It or Hate It

Each day, there are around 4.8 million journeys on the London Underground. That’s a similar number to the entire national Rail Network. It’s the oldest underground railway in the world dating from 1863. The 250 mile network serves 270 stations. The Central Line carries the most passengers each year.

What we like and dislike

You Gov, have recently had a look at the London Underground, and have unearthed some interesting facts:

  • 55% would rather people did not try and talk to them on the Tube
  • 40% of users say they are generally more likely to stand on the escalators
  • 53% wait on the platform corresponding to where they want to alight at their destination
  • 66% consider 5 minutes is too long to wait
  • 51% of users like the Jubilee Line, whereas the Northern has 29% likers and 23% dislikers

You Gov London Undergraound


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